Learn to Recognize Insulin Shock Signs
Diabetes needs daily alertness – carbohydrates, regular exercise, day-to-day blood glucose control, and much more. Even if the blood sugar can drop dangerously low (or reach dangerously high) levels can occur with a proactive approach. Seriously low blood sugar can lead to confusion or even unconsciousness. It is important that you know the signs of serious hypoglycemia in case you ever need to help as a friend or a beloved one with diabetes. Early insulin shock signs Diabetes prevents the body from generating enough or any insulin that is a hormone that makes it possible for the body to convert glucose (sugar) from food as fuel. Their blood sugar level is therefore too high People who have Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes take insulin to help keep their blood sugar safe and lower. But if someone does not eat the number of carbs they take for insulin, or if they do more than usual without their insulin dosage adjusting,...